When you provide a check* as payment, you authorize us either to use information from your check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check transaction.
Privacy Act - A Privacy Statement required by 5 U.S.C. ยง552a(e)(3) stating our authority for soliciting and collecting information from your check, and explaining the purposes and routine uses which will be made of your check information, is available from our internet site at https://www.pccotc.gov/pccotc/pcc/usingpcc/Legal%20Notices/legalnotices.htm or call toll free at 1-866-945-7920 to obtain a copy by mail. Furnishing the check information is voluntary, but a decision not to do so may require you to make payment by some other method.
* The court does not accept checks or credit cards from debtors. Debtors are required to pay by cash (correct change required), money order, certified check, or attorney's check (for non-ECF certified attorneys).