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Common ECF Mistakes

  • Temporary Internet Files  - Temporary Internet Files are, in fact, the cache of the Internet Browser. This means that when you load a web page with your browser, it is saved on your computer so that if you later decide to open the same page again, it will open faster. Temporary Internet Files improve the speed of web browsing and also make possible so called offline browsing, which gives you the ability to open the web pages from cache even when you are not connected to the Internet.

    Oftentimes the Temporary Internet Files on a users computer will become so large that it impairs access to the ECF system. If a user notices that his or her ECF screen is giving an error message or is not allowing a specific event or function to show, the user should clear the Temporary Internet Files to see if the issue resolves. To clear Temporary Internet Files, see the instructions on Clearing Internet Files on our website. It is recommended that once Temporary Internet Files are cleared that the user close the internet browser and re-enter ECF to refresh.

  • Incorrect PDF Size - Documents filed on the ECF System over the Internet must be 8.5 x 11.0 or smaller and cannot exceed 3 megabytes in size. If a user tries to upload a larger PDF, the ECF system will not accept it. Because files converted to PDF are approximately 10 times smaller than files scanned to PDF, convert documents to PDF whenever possible. In order to control the size of scanned PDF files, any individual document that exceeds the limit of 3 MB should be broken into multiple PDF files and filed on the System as a document and attachment(s). For example, for a 10-page motion with 130 pages of exhibits, the main document might consist of the 10-page motion and then exhibits would be filed as three or four attachments to the main document. To find the file size of the PDF, open the PDF and click on File/Properties.
  • Incorrect or Missing Signatures - Don't forget to sign your documents and pleadings! All pleadings, papers and documents electronically filed shall either contain a scanned image of any signature(s) therein, an Adobe Acrobat Digital Signature, or indicate the signature by putting /s/ and the name of the signatory where the original signature occurs. For example: /s/ John Doe
  • Pop-up Blockers - Always allow pop-ups from the ECF site. You can usually find your pop-up blocker under Tools on your Internet tool bar. If the pop-up blocker is not disabled, the payment screen will not appear after you have finished filing your pleading. If the screen does not appear, you may still pay your existing fees under Utilities/Internet Payments Due. Failure to pay fees in a timely manner will result in the attorney being locked out of the ECF System until payment is made.
  • Capitalization & Punctuation - Always use proper capitalization and punctuation when inputting data into the ECF system.
  • Forgetting to Upload or Improperly Loading the Creditor List - A Creditor List is to be filed in the ECF System under:

    Bankruptcy > Miscellaneous Items > Creditor Maintenance > Upload Creditor List.

    Creditor lists must be submitted in ASCII file format with an appropriate text extension (.txt) and shall be submitted through the System at the time of case filing. If additional creditors need to be added, an Amended List of Creditors should be uploaded directly through the System. Instructions for creating an ASCII file are available by clicking here. For more information on creditor list specifications, view the Creditor List section of the Administrative Procedures.

  • Incorrect Account Information  - If an attorney or creditor filer changes contact information, the new information should be promptly updated in the ECF System. Users may update information under:

    Utilities > Maintain Your ECF account.

  • Pleading Titles - When docketing pleadings, claims or other documents, place the exact title of the document in the additional docket text box provided while docketing to the ECF System.
  • Incorrect PDF - Users should watch carefully to make sure they are docketing the correct event and PDF. Uploading or attaching an incorrect PDF document may result in a Memorandum of Document Deficiency.
  • Incorrect Events - Pleadings and documents must be filed under the correct event in the ECF System. DO NOT file documents using the event 'Document' unless they are one of the items listed below or you have contacted the court. Documents that may be filed under the document event are: Correspondence, Power of Attorney, Death Certificate, Ballots, etc. For questions regarding where to file a pleading or document, please call the ECF Help Desk at 501-918-5590 or Toll Free at 866-497-9068.
  • Personal Identifiers - Pleadings and attachments should not include any personal identifiers such as social security number, names of minor children, dates of birth and financial account numbers.  See General Order 24.

    If a pleading or attachment includes personal identifier(s), public access to that document will need to be restricted.  File a Motion to Restrict access to the document and pay the filing fee.  The court will enter an order and restrict public access.  After the order is entered, the filer must re-file a redacted copy of the exact pleading.