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CM/ECF Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I create a PDF file?  When Adobe Acrobat is installed, it will create the Adobe PDF writer/printer. Select File > Print and choose Adobe PDF as your 'printer.' Print the file as usual (instead of a paper print copy, Adobe will create a PDF file). Name your file and choose the directory in which you’d like the documents saved.
  2. Why are my PDF documents blank when I print them?  It's possible that you need to install a postscript print driver. These drivers are available from your printer manufacturer's website.
  3. When I print my PDF document, why is it a mirror image or is blank? Select File > Print. While in the Print window, locate the dropdown box under "Comments and Forms." Select "Document and Markups." Print.
  4. When I print a PDF document, why does the judge’s signature not print?  Select File > Print. While in the Print window, locate the dropdown box under "Comments and Forms,” Select "Document and Stamps."
  5. How do I create a creditor matrix text file? Click here for instructions on creating a .txt file.
  6. Why do I get the Site Certification pages? The first time you go into the ECF site, you may get a series of Site Certificate pages. These pages show that the court is encrypting the date while you are signed on to ECF. On the third screen, you will have an opportunity to check a box that says accept this certificate forever. If you check the box, the site certification screens will not come up again. Click on Next, Finish and then Continue on the screen. You will always get the final screen to notify you of the certificate. Click on Continue to proceed.
  7. I'm trying to docket an event and it tells me that this transaction has already been posted. I look on the docket and it's not there.  This issue generally occurs when an event is docketed in a case and then the browser back button is clicked to return to the ECF filing menu. By clicking the back button instead of clicking on "Bankruptcy" to access the menu, the information accessed is from the last case you docketed. Only use the back button to correct a mistake on an event you are currently in the process of docketing. Click on "Bankruptcy" or "Adversary" at the top of the page to return to the main menu and docket a new event.
  8. When I query a case in ECF, it gives me the previous case I looked at instead. Clear your temporary internet files. For instructions on clearing temporary files, click here .
  9. How do I change my contact information with the Court? To ensure proper notification, please make sure that your account information is accurate in the ECF system for both the Eastern and Western Districts of Arkansas. You may make changes to your account by following the steps listed below.
  1. Sign on to PACER with your PACER filing ID and password.
  2. Click Manage Your Account.
  3. Click on the Manage My Account Login.
  4. Click Login to Manage My Account.
  5. Click the Maintenance tab.
  6. For email information changes, click on the Update E-File Email Noticing and Frequency link.
  7. For mailing address changes, click the Update Address Information.

If you have any questions regarding updating your contact information, please contact the ECF Help Desk at 501-918-5590.

  1. How do I add an additional, secondary email address to receive electronic notices?

These can’t be added in PACER, they must be added to the individual court’s CM/ECF.   After logging in to PACER and selecting either Arkansas Eastern or Western Bankruptcy Court:

  1. Click Utilities
  2. lick Maintain User Account
  3. Click Email information
  4. Enter the secondary email and then reenter it
  5. Return to Account screen
  6. Submit
  7. Repeat for the other district (Eastern or Western) if you’d like to add a secondary email address for that district.
  1. When I get an email that something is filed, I can't view the document. What's wrong? If you are having trouble viewing a document, the most common technical issues are:
  • PDF Software: Check your current PDF software for updates. If using Adobe, open a PDF document, click "Help" and then "Check for Updates."
  • Incorrect login information. When viewing documents, the system may prompt a user for a login and password. To view the documents, enter your PACER login information.
  1. When I attempt to print a large docket sheet (over 50 pages), it produces a "Data Missing" error. What do I do? Run the report in smaller date ranges.
  2. Can a document I’ve filed be deleted? Section II.B. of the Administrative Procedures for Electronically Filed Cases states that an ECF filer is "bound by the document as filed." Therefore, documents may not be deleted once filed. It is the filer’s responsibility to correct or amend a pleading submission or file a motion to restrict the public access of a filing. Documents filed in the wrong case must be withdrawn by the filing party and correctly docketed in the ECF System.
  3. Can the docket text be modified? Docket text can be modified by court personnel only. For questions regarding the docket text of a pleading, please contact the ECF Help Desk at 501-918-5590.
  4. Can I get a password if I am not an attorney? Yes. Information regarding ECF registration may be found by visiting the ECF Registration Page on our website.
  5. After I select my PDF document and click "Next," the system just hangs. If a large document is being uploaded, the System may take a few seconds to load the document. If the System does not upload the document, please check the size of the PDF. All PDF documents submitted via ECF must be below 10.0 MB in size. If the document is scanned to PDF, the PDF may be corrupted. Try rescanning the PDF and uploading again.
  6. Where can I obtain the necessary forms for filing bankruptcy and Proof of Claims? Visit the Official Bankruptcy Forms section of
  7. What are the current filing fees for filing bankruptcy? Click here to see the Fee Schedule page.
  8. How do I find out who is the trustee assigned to a case? You may obtain the trustees name by one of the following:
  1. Viewing the case docket via;
  2. Calling the Multi Court Voice Case Information System (MCVCIS) at 1-866-222-8029
  3. Visiting the Bankruptcy Clerk’s Office.
  1. How do I get an Interpreter? Debtor(s) who need an interpreter for a sec. 341 meeting of creditors should contact the U.S. Trustee at (501) 324-7357.
  2. I'm receiving the message, "The document is not available." when trying to view a document. Due to a Judicial Conference Privacy Policy, cases filed before December 1, 2003, are only available to court users, case participants, and anyone using the court's public terminal.


If your ECF question was not answered here, please contact the CM/ECF Help Desk at 501-918-5590 or you can e-mail our help desk at